Little Turtle


About Me




Life Update 1


Hi everyone!

It's been a while since I last updated everyone here. So, I thought that I would write an update post. Since I last updated, a lot has happened. First, I officially did my last week for a while at my church, both for the big band but also the youth band. The big band was emotional, especially since we scheduled my going away party for the same day. However, the youth band was even more emotional, possibly because I have been so involved with the youth since I was 13 or maybe that that was possibly the last time in a few years that I played with some of the members.

Second, me and my family took a road trip to Boston. Along the way, we decided to go by Salem and check it out. I really enjoyed it! There were a lot of shops, including some goth shops that I picked a few things from. My favorite had to be Die With Your Boots On. It was very size inclusive and overall a great staff, who were extremely helpful.

Finally, we got to Boston. I got quite a bit of time with my family before I had to move in. As well, I didn't have too many obligations for school. I mainly had orientation day on Friday, but I didn't have anything the rest of the weekend. So, I got to hang out for over a week with my family, which was really nice. I then moved in and my family helped me get set up. I then had my first day, which was very different compared to Randall. Then my family left that same day.

This was one fo the most emotional days that I've been through. Seeing my family drive off made me sad and I won't lie, I cried for a while. In fact, the first week was very difficult emotionally. Now I'm a little over a week in and I'm doing much better. Along with my sadness about not seeing my family, I was also dealing with some loneliness and homesickness. Living on my own has, overall, been difficult. I am starting to enjoy certain aspects of being here, being able to talk about being asexual and have some theological conversations with other students and professors has been a lot of fun. I'm hoping that as time goes on, I will be able to get more acquainted with Boston and I learn to really enjoy my time here.

Thank you for reading my update! I hope you enjoyed getting to read what I've been up to! I'll keep you all updated in the future and I hope to write on here soon!


Welcome Post!


On this page, I will basically be info dumping on whatever topic I am interested in at the time. I will post about theology, my views on music, whatever horror movie I have just watched, my perspective as an asexual person, and any other thing that pops into my head.

If you're interested in reading my perspective on things, feel free to stay!


Band Camp

All Other Music
